The assumption in this article is that night owls go to bed at 4 am and then wake up early because of work / social commitments. What about people like me who get 7–8 hours of sleep no matter how late they go to bed?
Yes I felt awful being a night owl working at a 9–5 job. But now that I’m a freelancer and set my own hours, things have changed.
I still genuinely want to know whether the problem is the time we go to bed. There might just be a genetic handicap for going to bed late, no matter how much sleep you get. But my gut feeling on this is that even if it exists (it might not) that it’s negligible as long as the person gets enough quality sleep.
And comparing this to night shift workers only makes half sense. I’m a night owl, but I’d hate to be a night shift worker.
I’d love to see a study done where they take folks who are night owls, but get a good night’s rest. Given a large enough pool of such people, how do they compare against people that go to bed at sunset and wake at sunrise?